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How to Know If SI Joint Fusion Is Right for You

Back pain is a common ailment among people of all ages. It can stem from various problems, including your sacroiliac (SI) joints. These joints stabilize your pelvis and absorb shock between your upper and lower body.

So, if you have back and leg pain, it could be due to SI joint dysfunction

Located in Coral Springs, Florida, Dr. Steven J. Svabek is an orthopedic specialist with years of experience treating pain and other symptoms related to SI joint problems. He offers an SI joint fusion if your pain is due to SI joint dysfunction that's disrupting your daily life.

Understanding SI joint dysfunction

Your SI joints don't move much; they connect your lower spine to your pelvis. Their role is to act as shock absorbers between your torso and your lower body.

They also connect your hip bones to your pelvis and provide stability. You walk and do other activities by transferring weight off your upper body to your legs — relying on your SI joints.

Although these joints don't naturally move much, they can still lead to several issues, including back pain, hip pain, and groin pain. SI dysfunction is often due to too much motion or too little motion within the joints. The SI joints can also become inflamed, leading to uncomfortable symptoms. 

Women are at a higher risk for SI joint pain after childbirth due to the changes in their pelvis.

Do you need an SI joint fusion?

Dr. Svabek typically uses conservative measures to treat SI joint dysfunction that's not severe enough to interfere with your daily activities. Traditional standards include physical therapy, activity modifications, and steroid injections.

Sometimes, these options reduce your pain and allow you to manage your symptoms. However, this isn't true for everyone.

Dr. Svabek also recommends an SI joint fusion when your symptoms persist for months without significant relief. Signs that an SI joint fusion may be for you include the following:

If you have any of the above symptoms affecting your everyday activities, Dr. Svabek talks about an SI joint fusion. It's a type of surgery that allows Dr. Svabek to restore joint function to decrease pain and other symptoms.

How does the procedure work?

If you're a candidate for an SI joint fusion, Dr. Svabek is happy to offer the iFuse Implant System® as an option. The iFuse Implant System is a minimally invasive option that allows Dr. Svabek to stabilize your joints for less pain.

Dr. Svabek performs your SI joint fusion using only a tiny incision near your SI joint. The entire procedure only takes about an hour from start to finish.

Dr. Svabek cleans out the SI joint to prepare it for the implants during the procedure. Once ready, he inserts a small triangular titanium implant across the affected SI joint. The implant provides stability without sacrificing a slight motion in the joint.

When the implant is in the perfect place, Dr. Svabek secures it and closes the tiny incision. The patented implant helps distribute weight across your SI joint without causing pain or discomfort in your pelvis or hips.

Because the procedure is minimally invasive, you can expect a relatively quick recovery. You'll still need physical therapy afterward to improve your mobility after surgery. However, you should experience less pain in your SI joint after healing.

To find out if you're a candidate for an SI joint fusion, don't hesitate to call our office at 954-466-9140 today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Svabek or request an online appointment.

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